Showing 11201–11300 of 24612 resultsSorted by price: high to low
Somaliland SG93/104 Fresh Colour M/M Cat 180 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M288996Add to basket -
Jamaica SG18a 1d Carmine Wmk CA Port Antonio A64 Pmk
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M272890Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG17a 48c Rose-carmine Cat 42 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M279488Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284523Add to basket -
Jamaica SG1 1d Pale Blue Wmk Pineapple Port Royal A67 Pmk
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M272899Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG30 10c Dull Mauve Wmk CC Fine used Cat 21 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £8.95.£8.23Current price is: £8.23.
M279503Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284531Add to basket -
Aden 1955 Forces Air Mail Cover to the UK MALDIRIGE boxed cancel
Sale! Original price was: £14.95.£13.75Current price is: £13.75.
M289563Add to basket -
Jamaica SG9 2d Rose Wmk CC Kingston A01 Pmk
Sale! Original price was: £4.00.£3.68Current price is: £3.68.
M272909Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG8a 2c Brown fine used Cat 8.50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.50.£3.22Current price is: £3.22.
M279455Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284539Add to basket -
Aden 1952 Forces Air Mail cover to the UK
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M289442Add to basket -
Niue SG77 3/- U/M Corner Block Cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £59.50.£54.74Current price is: £54.74.
M252139Add to basket -
Ceylon SG176 1r12 on 2r50 Dull Rose Perf 12.5 x 14 (odd perf fault) Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M272924Add to basket -
Kuwait SGO2a KGV 1a Chocolate Variety Overprint DOUBLE one Albino U/M Cat 140++
Sale! Original price was: £67.50.£62.10Current price is: £62.10.
M279552Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284547Add to basket -
Aden 1955 Forces Air Mail Cover to the UK
Sale! Original price was: £3.50.£3.22Current price is: £3.22.
M289561Add to basket -
Niue SG49 1d IMPERF Proof Ungummed Paper
Sale! Original price was: £79.50.£73.14Current price is: £73.14.
M252149Add to basket -
Dominica SG497 8c Zenaida Dove Imperf Pair and Progressive Proofs U/M
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M272938Add to basket -
Falkland Is SG161b 5/- indigo and yellow brown U/M Cat 1100 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £450.00.£414.00Current price is: £414.00.
M279638Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284556Add to basket -
Aden 1959 OHMS Forces Air Mail Cover to the UK
Sale! Original price was: £10.50.£9.66Current price is: £9.66.
M289574Add to basket -
Nyasaland SG23 4d Black and Reddish buff SUPERB M/M Cat 90 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £38.50.£35.42Current price is: £35.42.
M252089Add to basket -
Dominica SG507 10 Dollars QEII Imperf Pair and Progressive Proofs U/M
Sale! Original price was: £14.50.£13.34Current price is: £13.34.
M272947Add to basket -
New Zealand SGF198 7/6 Olive-grey Blue Fine U/M Cat 120 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £60.00.£55.20Current price is: £55.20.
M279656Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion U/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M284518Add to basket -
Aden 1966 Forces Air Mail Cover to the UK
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M289572Add to basket -
North Borneo SG249b 5 Dollars Broken lower bar at right Fine M/M Cat 350 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £89.50.£82.34Current price is: £82.34.
M252016Add to basket -
Falkland Is SG27 2 1/2d Pale Chalky Ultramarine M/M (tone spots) Cat 275 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M273083Add to basket -
Jind SG136 25r Top Value U/M Cat 60 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £29.50.£27.14Current price is: £27.14.
M279674Add to basket -
South Africa SG116 2d Slate-blue and purple U/M Block of 12 Cat 33++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £16.50.£15.18Current price is: £15.18.
M284427Add to basket -
Aden KGVI Forces Air Mail Cover to the UK
Sale! Original price was: £3.50.£3.22Current price is: £3.22.
M289570Add to basket -
India SG206a 2d Purple Tete-beche Block Cat 82+ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £35.00.£32.20Current price is: £32.20.
M252540Add to basket -
Falkland Is SG44 1d Vermilion wmk upright THICK PAPER U/M Cat 30 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.95.£14.67Current price is: £14.67.
M273103Add to basket -
Jamaica SG103 2/- pair of die proofs of the frame and vignette
Sale! Original price was: £220.00.£202.40Current price is: £202.40.
M279699Add to basket -
South Africa SG116 2d Slate-blue and purple U/M Block of 4 Cat 11++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284436Add to basket -
Austria picture post card endorsed Feld post with d/r Zelenika Navel Air Station
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M289469Add to basket -
South Africa SG16w 10/- Wmk INVERTED (bottom right perf added) Cat 2000 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £345.00.£317.40Current price is: £317.40.
M252568Add to basket -
Falkland Is SG60/69 KGV Set of 11 Wmk Mult CA Fine M/M Cat 1000 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £495.00.£455.40Current price is: £455.40.
M273131Add to basket -
British Levant 1921 180pi on 10/- dull grey-blue Variety Major Re-entry BPA cert
Sale! Original price was: £385.00.£354.20Current price is: £354.20.
M279709Add to basket -
South Africa SG112 1947 Royal Visit 2d Violet R12/2 Hyphen between A and F M/M
Sale! Original price was: £3.50.£3.22Current price is: £3.22.
M284447Add to basket -
Burma KGVI 1r on Airmail Cover Re-directed to a SHIP
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M289673Add to basket -
British Guiana SG601h 2c Dot by Flagstaff Fine used Cat 130 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M252593Add to basket -
Falkland Is Dep SGG1/G8 Thick Map Set of 8 M/M Cat 13 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M273156Add to basket -
South Africa SG113 1947 Royal Visit 3d Blue R3/6 Mark on Queens arm U/M
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284455Add to basket -
Hong Kong 1947 Airmail OHMS 60c Rate to Scotland Land Forces handstamp
Sale! Original price was: £18.50.£17.02Current price is: £17.02.
M289513Add to basket -
British Guiana SG320s/1s Victory Set Perf SPECIMEN U/M Cat 100 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M252608Add to basket -
Gibraltar SG26 25c Ultramarine M/M Cat 28 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £10.50.£9.66Current price is: £9.66.
M273167Add to basket -
South Africa SG113 1947 Royal Visit 3d Blue M/M Spot under Crown
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284463Add to basket -
India to Russia Sent from HMS Emerald From Chief ERA Semens to his Wife
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M289642Add to basket -
British Levant SG236 10d with F87 (Smyrna) Pmk Cat 170 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M252653Add to basket -
Gibraltar SG63 4/- Deep purple and Green Wmk Mult CA M/M Cat 350 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £145.00.£133.40Current price is: £133.40.
M273181Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG169a 30c Variety Extra Stroke U/M Cat 148.25 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £75.00.£69.00Current price is: £69.00.
M279779Add to basket -
South Africa SG114 1947 1/2d (Frame only Screened) Tick Flaw and Spot on Nose
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M284480Add to basket -
Malaya 1956 Cover
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M289546Add to basket -
Travancore-cochin SGO75 OU for ON Flaw not listed on this value
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M252676Add to basket -
Nevis SG4 1/- Green on Greyish paper Mint (no gum) Cat 350 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £99.95.£91.95Current price is: £91.95.
M273196Add to basket -
South Africa Airmail Cover to Australia with a 1/- Post Due
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M284579Add to basket -
New Hebrides SG46 2 1/2d PAIR on a Front SCARCE
Sale! Original price was: £21.00.£19.32Current price is: £19.32.
M289451Add to basket -
Cayman Is SG54b 2 1/2d Straight Serif in Pair M/M (gum toned) Cat 102 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M252704Add to basket -
Nevis SG18 4d Orange-yellow Litho M/M (mark on reverse) Cat 180 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M273243Add to basket -
Kenya GB 6d Coronation Airmail with Mombasa Paquebot pmk
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M284604Add to basket -
Pitcairn Island 1953 KGVI 4d on a Commercial Cover to the UK Scarce
Sale! Original price was: £39.50.£36.34Current price is: £36.34.
M289448Add to basket -
Australia SG73a 6d Broken Leg variety in Pair M/M Cat 103 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M252727Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG17 2d Rose-lake Mint (no gum) Cat 300 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M273267Add to basket -
Northern Rhodesia SG46a Victory 1 1/2d perf 13.5 U/M cat 12 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M279834Add to basket -
Burma 1/2a KGV Postal Stationery with RANGOON S.P.O. SORTING postmark
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284619Add to basket -
South Africa 1942 Registered envelope
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M289631Add to basket -
Bahamas 1911 1d on local cover
Sale! Original price was: £12.95.£11.91Current price is: £11.91.
M252756Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG97/105 3c to 15c (no 1 or 2c) Cat 700 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £250.00.£230.00Current price is: £230.00.
M273299Add to basket -
New Zealand SG F198 7/6 Olive-grey U/M Very Fresh Cat 120 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £60.00.£55.20Current price is: £55.20.
M279852Add to basket -
St Lucia 1905 cover to London
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M284629Add to basket -
Bahamas 1909 Colour Postcard to the US
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M252772Add to basket -
India SG79 1r Slate M/M Cat 100 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M273350Add to basket -
New Zealand SG F200 9/- Orange-brown Very Fresh Colour U/M Cat 100 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £50.00.£46.00Current price is: £46.00.
M279860Add to basket -
Grenada 1957 Local Cover
Sale! Original price was: £2.95.£2.71Current price is: £2.71.
M284649Add to basket -
Kelantan SG40/54 1937 Set Wonderful Fresh Colours Very lightly M/M Cat 2000
Sale! Original price was: £650.00.£598.00Current price is: £598.00.
M289953Add to basket -
India 2a Postcard from KALIMPANG to Edinburgh
Sale! Original price was: £19.95.£18.35Current price is: £18.35.
M252792Add to basket -
Ceylon SG5 5d Chestnut SUPERB Four Margin Cat 150 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £69.95.£64.35Current price is: £64.35.
M273395Add to basket -
Morocco Agencies SG50b 2/6 Waterlow M/M Opt Doubled one Albino Cat 200
Sale! Original price was: £95.00.£87.40Current price is: £87.40.
M279873Add to basket -
Fiji 1991 Cover to Australia
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M284664Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG156 Two Dollar Red-orange and Green U/M Cat 80 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £35.00.£32.20Current price is: £32.20.
M289966Add to basket -
Transvaal SG47 3d Lilac Fine Roulette 15.5 to 16 Cat 200 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £95.00.£87.40Current price is: £87.40.
M252830Add to basket -
Ceylon SG9 10d Dull Vermilion Fine Four margins Cat 350 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £95.00.£87.40Current price is: £87.40.
M273412Add to basket -
Ceylon SGT165 KEVII 5c Complete
Sale! Original price was: £2.00.£1.84Current price is: £1.84.
M280198Add to basket -
Burma 1928 prestamp envelope
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284739Add to basket -
Nigeria SG72 and 72a 2d Both Shades in U/M Blocks Cat 48 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £19.95.£18.35Current price is: £18.35.
M289977Add to basket -
New Zealand SG594 Chambers of Commerce 1d Plate 2 Corner Block U/M
Sale! Original price was: £6.00.£5.52Current price is: £5.52.
M252860Add to basket -
Ceylon SG3a 2d Yellowish green (a bit grubby) Cat 90 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.25.£3.91Current price is: £3.91.
M273443Add to basket -
Bahawalpur SGO19 1946 Victory Fine used Cat 7 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M280090Add to basket -
Fiji Letter posted on MS Royal Viking Star South Pacific Cruse with no postal markings
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M284762Add to basket -
New Zealand SGF193 2/6 Mult Wmk U/M Fresh Colour Cat 72 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £32.50.£29.90Current price is: £29.90.
M289988Add to basket
Showing 11201–11300 of 24612 resultsSorted by price: high to low