Showing 13701–13800 of 19040 resultsSorted by price: high to low
Jamaica SG74 1 1/2d Orange Small Moon instead of a full stop also damage to P M/M
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M269377Add to basket -
Natal SG143 One pound and 10/- Green and Violet Fiscal Cancel
Sale! Original price was: £14.95.£13.75Current price is: £13.75.
M276709Add to basket -
Jamaica SG74 1 1/2d BRIGHT Orange 3rd stamp No Stop M/M
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M269388Add to basket -
Natal SG82 1d Yellow Wmk CC Opt POSTAGE M/M (Hinge remainder) Cat 120 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.95.£11.91Current price is: £11.91.
M276727Add to basket -
Jamaica SG75 3d Dark Purple/yellow U/M Block of SIX
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M270021Add to basket -
Natal SG59 1/- Green Opt Postage in Green Mint Cat 175 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £57.50.£52.90Current price is: £52.90.
M276751Add to basket -
Mauritius BF7 6d Blue and Blue Insurance Opt INCE (Toned)
Sale! Original price was: £2.95.£2.71Current price is: £2.71.
M270346Add to basket -
Natal SG25 1/- Green M/M (trimmed perfs) Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M276764Add to basket -
Australia BW561e White Flaw between Kangaroos legs in a U/M Pair
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M270416Add to basket -
Natal SG60 1d Bright Red Opt Postage Mint paper adheared to back Cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.50.£14.26Current price is: £14.26.
M276773Add to basket -
Australia BW566f Retouch to AR of ART U/M
Sale! Original price was: £10.00.£9.20Current price is: £9.20.
M270421Add to basket -
Natal SG62 6d Mauve Opt Postage (Cleand fiscal cancel)
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M276788Add to basket -
Australia BW595g White flaw over EH of Rehabilitation (right hand stamp) U/M
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M270436Add to basket -
Natal SG15 1d Rose-red Wmk Star Mint Cat 200 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M276806Add to basket -
Australia BW597h Green dots on Girls Cheek and Green line on Jumper U/M
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M270444Add to basket -
Natal SG24x 6d Violet Wmk CC reversed Mint Cat 90 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.95.£14.67Current price is: £14.67.
M276843Add to basket -
Australia BW604f Retouch to M of Munich and 1 of 1972 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M270453Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG274s Five Dollar Perf Specimen U/M (mounted in the margin)
Sale! Original price was: £110.00.£101.20Current price is: £101.20.
M276855Add to basket -
New Zealand Postal Fiscal 1940 SGF188 5/6 on 5s6d lilac VFM cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £59.50.£54.74Current price is: £54.74.
M259025Add to basket -
Falkland Is SG158b KGVI 1/- Dull Blue M/M Cat 38 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284412Add to basket -
B.P.A WWII Airmail Letter 20th June 1943 to Plymouth with Censor Mark
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M290862Add to basket -
Rhodesia 1898-1908 SG77 1d rose block of 6 UM cat 96 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £42.50.£39.10Current price is: £39.10.
M258875Add to basket -
Falkland Is SG158b KGVI 1/- Dull Blue M/M Cat 38 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284420Add to basket -
North Africa Airmail Letter 3rd Nov 1942 With Censor Hand-stamp
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M290872Add to basket -
Sharjah 1963 SG38var 10np on 1np cylinder block of 4 OVPT DOUBLE UM
Sale! Original price was: £95.00.£87.40Current price is: £87.40.
M258924Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284513Add to basket -
Libya Airmail Letter 12th May 43 with RAF Censor Hand-stamp
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290882Add to basket -
Sharjah 1963 SG39var 20np on 2np vertical pair OVPT INVERTED UM
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M258931Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284525Add to basket -
Indian Command April 1943 Censored Airletter sheet to Scotland
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291104Add to basket -
Sharjah 1963 SG41var 40np on 4np corner block of 4 OVPT INVERTED UM
Sale! Original price was: £59.50.£54.74Current price is: £54.74.
M258943Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284533Add to basket -
Indian Command posted on the 19th July so no stamp required
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291112Add to basket -
Sharjah 1965 unlisted 2np FFH ON STATE SERVICE ovpts corner block of 6 UM
Sale! Original price was: £49.50.£45.54Current price is: £45.54.
M258949Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284541Add to basket -
Ceylon 1942 Airmail Censored Lettercard the printing and date is unknown
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291128Add to basket -
South Africa 1930-44 SG48cw 1s wmk Inv TWISTED HORN vertical pair used
Sale! Original price was: £49.95.£45.95Current price is: £45.95.
M258831Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284549Add to basket -
Indian Command 1944 Censored Airmail Lettersheet
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291139Add to basket -
South Africa Officials 1935-49 SGO29 10s blue and sepia OFFICIAL left used
Sale! Original price was: £62.50.£57.50Current price is: £57.50.
M258844Add to basket -
Falkland Islands SG147/a 1d Black and Carmine/Black and Vermilion M/M Cat 38.75
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284558Add to basket -
Indian Command 1944 Censored Airmail Lettersheet
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291161Add to basket -
Ghana Gold Cost Post Due Set GHANA Opt used the day before normal Post Dues
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M259228Add to basket -
South Africa SG112 1947 Royal Visit 2d Violet Arrow Block of 12 U/M (toned gum)
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284421Add to basket -
Indian Privilege 1943 Censored Airmail Lettersheet
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291172Add to basket -
Australia 1/2d Orange No Wmk Pane Perfin GNSW the 5th column doubled
Sale! Original price was: £165.00.£151.80Current price is: £151.80.
M259267Add to basket -
South Africa SG116 2d Slate-blue and purple U/M Block of 12 Cat 33++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £16.50.£15.18Current price is: £15.18.
M284430Add to basket -
Indian Privilege 1943 Censored Airmail Lettersheet
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291181Add to basket -
India SG109 QV 5r Ultramarine and Violet used (Creased) Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M259516Add to basket -
South Africa SG112 1947 Royal Visit 2d Violet Sheet number block of 12 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284440Add to basket -
C.M.F Air Letter 11th Nov 1945 HQ British Control/Polish Repatriation Camp
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290960Add to basket -
PRINCE EDWARD IS SG17/18 1962 6d reprinted die proofs TEN different colours
Sale! Original price was: £135.00.£124.20Current price is: £124.20.
M259593Add to basket -
South Africa SG112 1947 Royal Visit 2d Violet Dry Print M/M
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284449Add to basket -
Canadian Armed Forces Air Letter Mint
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M291075Add to basket -
Tristan Da Cunha SG188/91 Penguins Set U/M Cat 4.25 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M259848Add to basket -
South Africa SG113 1947 Royal Visit 3d Blue R7/4 Circle Mark on Queens Sholder
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284457Add to basket -
Egypt Air Letter 7th April 1945 Privilege Letter with Censor Mark Free Postage Period
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290917Add to basket -
St Vincent SG85 6d Violet Perf 14 Wmk CA CDS Used Fresh Colour Cat 225 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £85.00.£78.20Current price is: £78.20.
M259887Add to basket -
South Africa SG113a 1947 Royal Visit 3d Blue R19/2 Black-eyed Princess U/M
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284465Add to basket -
Egypt Airmail Letter 20th Sept 1942 with RAF Sensor Mark
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290903Add to basket -
St Vincent SG121 1d on 1/- Black/green CDS on Piece Cat 40 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.95.£14.67Current price is: £14.67.
M259912Add to basket -
South Africa SG114c 1947 1/2d (All Screened) Issue 19/20 Different corner stamps
Sale! Original price was: £19.95.£18.35Current price is: £18.35.
M284481Add to basket -
Egypt Privilege Air Letter 14th Feb 1945 with Honour Cert on Rear Pannel
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290942Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG19 96c Grey wmk Crown CC Cat 60 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £14.95.£13.75Current price is: £13.75.
M259930Add to basket -
Ethiopia post card to Scotland
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284581Add to basket -
Front of Airmail Letter with Censor Mark and GT Britain hand-written
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M290891Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG75 8c on 12c Brown purple Cat 190 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £59.50.£54.74Current price is: £54.74.
M259947Add to basket -
Aden GB 6d Coronation Airmail with Aden Paquebot pmk
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M284605Add to basket -
Libya Airmail Letter 23.11.43 in Purple later use from 1943/44 with Censor Mark
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M290894Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG126 8c Wmk Crown CA M/M (hinge remainder) Cat 65 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £23.95.£22.03Current price is: £22.03.
M259964Add to basket -
Burma 1/2a KGV Postal Stationery with RANGOON S.P.O. SORTING postmark
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284620Add to basket -
North Borneo Air Letter printed inscription refers to Operation Python
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290912Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG283 8c Grey M/M (brownish gum) Cat 38 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.50.£5.06Current price is: £5.06.
M259990Add to basket -
India 1945 Censored Cover to Scotland
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M284630Add to basket -
Persia Privilege Airmail Letter 3anna rate to UK FPO 107 with Censor Mark
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M290969Add to basket -
South Africa SG130 1/- opt type 29 Toned gum Cat 19 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.75.£3.45Current price is: £3.45.
M260027Add to basket -
India 4a and 6a Air Stamps on cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M284654Add to basket -
UK Airmail Letter Cancelled FPO 282 RCAF Warrington 15th Mar 1944
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M291063Add to basket -
South Africa SG94 1/3 Blackish Brown 1941 War Effort Cat 10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M260046Add to basket -
Iraq 1925 Cover tom England Unrecorded BUSRA Tax handstamp with 3 1/2d Post Dues
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M284669Add to basket -
WWII Air Letter Mint
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M290954Add to basket -
South Africa SG82/4 1939 Huguenot Set in U/M Blocks Cat 100 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £42.50.£39.10Current price is: £39.10.
M260059Add to basket -
Burma 1928 prestamp envelope from Oktwin
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284737Add to basket -
WWII Airmail Letter Mint Affix 3d Stamp Here
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M290905Add to basket -
Sudan SG9 10p Mauve (Top value) Fine Used Cat 65 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £24.50.£22.54Current price is: £22.54.
M260093Add to basket -
Gibraltar Registered Envelope with Post Dues paying import duty
Sale! Original price was: £21.00.£19.32Current price is: £19.32.
M284745Add to basket -
Egypt Present Address unknown sender please furnish new address
Sale! Original price was: £39.50.£36.34Current price is: £36.34.
M291466Add to basket -
South West Africa SG96 1 1/2d M/M Cat 30 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M260122Add to basket -
India 1942 Censored Re-directed Cover to the USA
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M284704Add to basket -
Salvaged Envelope 1942 Envelope with DAMAGED BY SEA WATER cachet in magenta
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M291474Add to basket -
Southern Rhodesia SG92/105 Set of 14 U/M Cat 38 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.50.£14.26Current price is: £14.26.
M260149Add to basket -
Kedah SG102 Five Dollar on illustrated First Day Cover basic stamp cat 70 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £79.50.£73.14Current price is: £73.14.
M284701Add to basket -
Perak SG33a 1c on 2c SURCHARGE DOUBLED Superb M/M BPA Cert Cat from 1300 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £695.00.£639.40Current price is: £639.40.
M291732Add to basket -
Tonga SG40 2d Die 2 M/M (Hinge remainders) Wmk Tortoises Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £11.50.£10.58Current price is: £10.58.
M260165Add to basket -
Singapore 1974 cover to Austria with Commanding Officer HMNZS OTAGO handstamp
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M284688Add to basket -
Cayman Is SG205a 4d Tourist Year Gold Omitted Superb used cat 325 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £150.00.£138.00Current price is: £138.00.
M291864Add to basket -
Jamaica SG15 5/- Lilac Wmk Crown CC Perf 12.5 M/M Cat 120 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £47.50.£43.70Current price is: £43.70.
M260181Add to basket -
South Africa SG114c 1947 1/2d (All Screened) U/M
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284798Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG144 KGVI 8c Red-brown U/M Block Scarce
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M291907Add to basket -
Jamaica SG75a 3d Deep Purple/yellow Opt Misplaced 3 with No Stop after Stamp
Sale! Original price was: £49.50.£45.54Current price is: £45.54.
M260210Add to basket
Showing 13701–13800 of 19040 resultsSorted by price: high to low