30 Sep 76 Castle Air Force Base postmark on USA 20c stamp commemorating the Transfer of Magna Carta to the US Bicentennial Celebrations. The Lincoln Cathedral Copy of the Magna Carta was flown to the United States of America Bicentenial Celebrations together with this Cover in a Vulcan B – 2 of No 50 Sqn RAF . The flight was made in two stages 29 9 76 RAF Waddington to Goose Bay Labrador 4 hours 55 minutes and 30 9 76 Goose Bay to Castle AFB. Personally signed by the Lord Barber of Wentbridge At the beginning of the Second World War he was a Lieutenant in the Territorial Army. After the fall of France he transferred to the RAF{COMMA} qualified as a Pilot and flew Spitfires{COMMA} stripped of their guns and radio to extend their range{COMMA} on photographic reconnaissance. In 1942 he was taken prisoner by the Germans and sent to Stalag Luft 111{COMMA} the prison camp of the famous Wooden Horse escape. He was a member of the escape committee{COMMA} he also contrived to study law and{COMMA} with special arrangements by the International Red Cross{COMMA} to sit for an LLB degree in the camp. Several attempts to escape ended with spells in the cooler. But he was mentioned in despatches for his work in the escape organisation{COMMA} and on his return home learned that he had obtained his Law Degree with first class honours. And also Signed by Dean of Lincoln Hon Oliver Wykeham – Fiennes (In charge of the Cathedral) by chance is not only a descendent of one of the Barons who witnessed the sealing of Magna Carta but is also the nephew of Group Captain Laurence Twisieton Wykeham – Fiennes{COMMA} one time station commander at Waddington. Certified Copy of 988
C44c Transfer of Magna Carta Signed Wykeham-Fiennes and Lord Barber (A)
Sale!Original price was: £8.50.£7.82Current price is: £7.82. |