Showing 22301–22400 of 40299 resultsSorted by price: high to low
SG448 10d Photogravure U/M
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M280710Add to basket -
South Africa SG113a 1947 Royal Visit 3d Blue R19/2 Black-eyed Princess U/M
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284465Add to basket -
Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam SG90a 1/4a red laid paper Sheet of 16
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M288083Add to basket -
Australia 1924-5 SG 77c 1 1/2d scarlet thin RAL flaw on THIN PAPER VFU
Sale! Original price was: £42.50.£39.10Current price is: £39.10.
M261674Add to basket -
North Borneo SG43c 8c Yellow-green IMPERF PAIR U/M (right Stamp torn) Cat 55 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £14.50.£13.34Current price is: £13.34.
M266490Add to basket -
Patiala SGOT9 Service Telephone Stamp 2a
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M280733Add to basket -
South Africa SG114 1947 1/2d (Frame only Screened) Tick Flaw and Spot on Nose
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M284480Add to basket -
Australia 1924-5 SG 84 1 1/2d scarlet no wmk mint and used group c 123 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £42.50.£39.10Current price is: £39.10.
M261684Add to basket -
Dominica SG74 1 1/2d Black and Scarlet Plate 1 Block U/M (bend) Scarce
Sale! Original price was: £19.55.£17.99Current price is: £17.99.
M266526Add to basket -
Ceylon Foreign Bill BF32 2r25 Red Brown 1st Exchange
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M280765Add to basket -
Burma KGV 2a6p x THREE on a Printed Envelope to Scotland
Sale! Original price was: £16.00.£14.72Current price is: £14.72.
M284577Add to basket -
Bermuda SG40 2 1/2d Brown and Ultramarine Fresh Colour M/M Cat 38 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £11.50.£10.58Current price is: £10.58.
M288250Add to basket -
Australia 1926-30 SG 96 1 1/2d P 13 1/2 x 12 1/2 plate single flaw and inverted
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M261693Add to basket -
Dominica SG86 3/- Wmk Mult Script Plate 1 Block U/M Scarce
Sale! Original price was: £21.50.£19.78Current price is: £19.78.
M266541Add to basket -
Ceylon Foreign Bill BF63 80c on 2R25 Purple 1st 2nd and 3rd Exchange
Sale! Original price was: £57.50.£52.90Current price is: £52.90.
M280803Add to basket -
Sudan GB 6d Coronation Airmail with Port Sudan Paquebot pmk
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284599Add to basket -
Brunei SG31 30c Violet and Black M/M Cat 32 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M288105Add to basket -
Australia 1930 SG 119 2d on 1 1/2d golden scarlet mint and used group
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M261702Add to basket -
Victoria 1892 BEER DUTY 6d Black on Pink Wmk V over Crown M/Mint RARE
Sale! Original price was: £79.50.£73.14Current price is: £73.14.
M266567Add to basket -
Ceylon Receipt BF1 1d on 1/1d Lilac
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M280818Add to basket -
Kenya 1935 KGV 65c Stamp on Airmail Cover to London
Sale! Original price was: £8.00.£7.36Current price is: £7.36.
M284612Add to basket -
Canada SG107 6c Deep Chestnut Cat 22 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.00.£3.68Current price is: £3.68.
M288171Add to basket -
Australia 1926-30 SG 100 3d dull ultramarine P 13 1/2 x 12 1/2 mint and used gr
Sale! Original price was: £26.50.£24.38Current price is: £24.38.
M261711Add to basket -
KUT SG131af 1c with TADPOLE Flaw in a U/M Plate Block Cat 100++ Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M266585Add to basket -
Bundi Prestamp Cover from Jaipur to the Maharajah of Bundi
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M280840Add to basket -
Trinidad and Tobago 1943 Censored cover to the USA
Sale! Original price was: £22.00.£20.24Current price is: £20.24.
M284625Add to basket -
Canada SG107 6c Deep Chestnut M/M Cat 80 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M288168Add to basket -
Australia 1931-6 SG 128 3d ultramarine wmk C of A mint and used group
Sale! Original price was: £11.50.£10.58Current price is: £10.58.
M261719Add to basket -
Leeward Is SG114 One Pound Brown-Purple and Black/Red Perf 14 M/M Cat 400 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M266608Add to basket -
Bundi SG38 1/2a Black Inscription Type C on a Native Cover Cat 75 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £24.50.£22.54Current price is: £22.54.
M280908Add to basket -
Southern Rhodesia 1953 Coronation on registered FDC to Scotland
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M284635Add to basket -
Canada SG111 10c Brownish Red M/M Cat 425 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M288144Add to basket -
Australia 1918-23 SG 65a 4d ultramarine thin FOUR of FOUR PENCE used
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M261730Add to basket -
SG413 10/- Pale Blue DLR Seahorse M/M (Gum Toned) Cat 3500 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £750.00.£690.00Current price is: £690.00.
M266623Add to basket -
Bundi SG75 1a Scarlet Perf 11 Inscription Type G Cliche F Fiscally used
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M280928Add to basket -
India 4a and 6a Air Stamps on cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M284654Add to basket -
Canada Small Queen 6d fine used
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M288185Add to basket -
Australia 1930 SG 120a 4 1/2d redrawn die without surcharge VFU cat 45 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M261739Add to basket -
Penny Star (MD) C1 Plate 166 Fine used Cat 35 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M266639Add to basket -
Bundi SG73a 1/4a Greenish Blue Inscription Type H Cliche G M/M
Sale! Original price was: £5.00.£4.60Current price is: £4.60.
M280945Add to basket -
OHMS cover to North Wales with War Economy Label
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M284665Add to basket -
Canada Small Queen 6d fine used
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M288181Add to basket -
Australia 1930 SG 120 5d on 4 1/2d violet narrow E in PENCE mint
Sale! Original price was: £21.00.£19.32Current price is: £19.32.
M261749Add to basket -
Penny Star (BJ) C1 Plate 172 Very Fine used Cat 35 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M266648Add to basket -
Bundi SGO30aA 10a Bistre Character sideways Inscription Type D Cat 130 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M280970Add to basket -
1917 Much re-directed cover from Lucknow
Sale! Original price was: £14.00.£12.88Current price is: £12.88.
M284694Add to basket -
KUT SG68 2 1/2a Deep Blue M/M cat 20 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M288147Add to basket -
Australia 1937 SG 193a 2d Foundation of NSW Man with Tail FLAW VFU
Sale! Original price was: £59.95.£55.15Current price is: £55.15.
M261759Add to basket -
Penny Star (RF) C1 Plate 175 Very Fine used Cat 40 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £11.50.£10.58Current price is: £10.58.
M266667Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG160 Five Dollar Green and Scarlet Block of 4 U/M Cat 320 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £150.00.£138.00Current price is: £138.00.
M281078Add to basket -
1967 cover from HMS Fearless BFPO Ships
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284680Add to basket -
Malta SG43 KEVII 4d Blackish Brown and Brown Wmk CA M/M Cat 28 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £8.50.£7.82Current price is: £7.82.
M288121Add to basket -
Australia 1937-49 SG 180 1 1/2d emerald-green P15x14 IMPRINT BLOCK re-entries
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M261778Add to basket -
Penny Star (PB) C1 Plate 177 Corner Fault Cat 40 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M266676Add to basket -
Kedah SG107 5c Fantastic Misperf U/M
Sale! Original price was: £85.00.£78.20Current price is: £78.20.
M281092Add to basket -
Burma 1928 prestamp envelope from Oktwin
Sale! Original price was: £5.00.£4.60Current price is: £4.60.
M284737Add to basket -
New Zealand SG255 8d Indigo No Wmk Fresh Colour Cat 100 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £29.95.£27.55Current price is: £27.55.
M288320Add to basket -
Australia 1937-49 SG 168b 3d blue die Ia P13 5×14 UM cat 180 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £59.95.£55.15Current price is: £55.15.
M261796Add to basket -
Penny Star (ID) C1 Plate 181 Very Fine used Cat 35 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M266691Add to basket -
Bundi SGO10/O19 4a Apple-green Inscription Type B and C Cat 71+++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £39.50.£36.34Current price is: £36.34.
M280995Add to basket -
Hong Kong 1973 Hong Kong Registered Cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £4.00.£3.68Current price is: £3.68.
M284770Add to basket -
Nigeria SG9 2/6 Wmk MCA M/M Cat 18 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.50.£5.06Current price is: £5.06.
M288133Add to basket -
Australia 1937-49 SG 184b 2d scarlet P14x15 MEDAL FLAW VFU cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £59.95.£55.15Current price is: £55.15.
M261823Add to basket -
Penny Star (ND/OD) C1 Plate 185 Very Fine used Cat 90 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £26.00.£23.92Current price is: £23.92.
M266705Add to basket -
Natal SG76 1d Rose Wmk CC Opt POSTAGE (locally) Cat 95 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £24.95.£22.95Current price is: £22.95.
M276495Add to basket -
Foreign Bill BF11 2/- Lilac Wmk VR Surfaced Blued Paper
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M281099Add to basket -
India 9p Soldiers and Seamens Envelope Mint
Sale! Original price was: £3.00.£2.76Current price is: £2.76.
M284733Add to basket -
Sierra Leone SG17 1d Rose-red Wmk CC Cat 16 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M288226Add to basket -
Australia 1937-49 SG 185 2d bright purple P14x15 COIL PAIR UM cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £21.00.£19.32Current price is: £19.32.
M261837Add to basket -
Penny Star (KC/KF) C1 Plate 188 (KC Creased) Cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £37.50.£34.50Current price is: £34.50.
M266713Add to basket -
Natal SG76x 1d Rose Wmk CC Reversed Opt POSTAGE (locally) Cat 95 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £17.95.£16.51Current price is: £16.51.
M276508Add to basket -
Foreign Bill BF2 2d Lilac (creased) Wmk VR Surfaced Blued Paper
Sale! Original price was: £2.95.£2.71Current price is: £2.71.
M281061Add to basket -
Malta 1903 Postcard to London
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284698Add to basket -
Southern Nigeria SG28a 1/- Wmk MCA Die 2 Fresh Colour M/M (Vertical bend) Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M288296Add to basket -
Australia 1946 SG 214 3 1/2d Victory H FLAW in pair UM
Sale! Original price was: £8.50.£7.82Current price is: £7.82.
M261854Add to basket -
Penny Star (QA) C1 Plate 194 Fine used Cat 40 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M266733Add to basket -
Natal SG77 1d Bright Red Wmk CC Opt POSTAGE (locally) Cat 110 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £17.95.£16.51Current price is: £16.51.
M276519Add to basket -
Foreign Bill BF60 5/- Red Values Perf 14 Wmk VR Surfaced Blued Paper
Sale! Original price was: £2.95.£2.71Current price is: £2.71.
M281118Add to basket -
Southern Rhodesia 1949 UPU First Day Cover
Sale! Original price was: £7.00.£6.44Current price is: £6.44.
M284784Add to basket -
St Lucia SG63 2d Green and Brown Fresh Colour M/M Cat 18 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.50.£5.06Current price is: £5.06.
M288293Add to basket -
Australia 1929-30 SG 108 9d violet Kangaroo John Ash gutter imprint pair UM
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M261872Add to basket -
Penny Star (EG) C1 Plate 196 Fine used Cat 45 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.95.£11.91Current price is: £11.91.
M266744Add to basket -
Natal SG77x 1d Bright Red Wmk CC Reversed Opt POSTAGE (locally) Cat 110 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £20.00.£18.40Current price is: £18.40.
M276530Add to basket -
GB Wesleyan and General Document with 3d embossed revenue stamp
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M281039Add to basket -
South Africa SG114c 1947 1/2d (All Screened) U/M
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284798Add to basket -
Zululand SG6 4d Jubilee Fresh Colour M/M (hinge remainder) Cat 60 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £18.50.£17.02Current price is: £17.02.
M288313Add to basket -
Australia 1915-27 SG 41 2s brown Kangaroo fine used cat 15 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.25.£5.75Current price is: £5.75.
M261884Add to basket
Showing 22301–22400 of 40299 resultsSorted by price: high to low