Showing 32501–32600 of 40596 resultsSorted by price: high to low
India SG142 5R Ultramarine and Violet Fresh Colour Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £16.00.£14.72Current price is: £14.72.
M286440Add to basket -
Jersey SG3a/7a Arms on different papers Fine used Cat 16.50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M289849Add to basket -
Nova Scotia SG5 6d Yellow green (tiny crease and trace of a thin) Cat 650 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £135.00.£124.20Current price is: £124.20.
M259584Add to basket -
Trinidad and Tobago UPU Plain First Day Cover
Sale! Original price was: £14.95.£13.75Current price is: £13.75.
M264916Add to basket -
New Zealand SG731 9d Plate 1B 1B Block U/M
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M279046Add to basket -
Aden Camp 1955 cover to Scotland
Sale! Original price was: £14.00.£12.88Current price is: £12.88.
M283357Add to basket -
SG92 3d Rose wmk Emblems Plate 4 Fine used Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £27.50.£25.30Current price is: £25.30.
M286477Add to basket -
Morocco Agencies Spanish Currency SG165/71 1937 Set Fine used Cat 55 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £26.50.£24.38Current price is: £24.38.
M289828Add to basket -
New Brunswick SG15 5c Deep Green M/Mint (scarce with gum) Block Cat 116++
Sale! Original price was: £47.50.£43.70Current price is: £43.70.
M259619Add to basket -
Burma Cover
Sale! Original price was: £11.50.£10.58Current price is: £10.58.
M264925Add to basket -
New Zealand SG732 1/- Double Print one Albino (Blurred Centre) U/M
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M279057Add to basket -
Aden Printed envelope with Aden Camp CDS
Sale! Original price was: £14.00.£12.88Current price is: £12.88.
M283368Add to basket -
SG143 3d Rose wmk Spray Plate 17 Fine used Cat 80 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £8.00.£7.36Current price is: £7.36.
M286489Add to basket -
New Guinea SG208/11 Coronation Fine used Cat 6.50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M289841Add to basket -
PRINCE EDWARD IS 12c Plate Proof in Black on Thick card
Sale! Original price was: £9.25.£8.51Current price is: £8.51.
M259646Add to basket -
Burma uprated stationery
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M264935Add to basket -
New Zealand SG732 1/- R 3/6 and R 4/6 re-entry U/M
Sale! Original price was: £5.50.£5.06Current price is: £5.06.
M279066Add to basket -
Aden Post card with GB stamp on a Postcard to Jersey
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M283382Add to basket -
South West Africa SG66 5/- Perf 14 Fresh Colours U/M Cat 75++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M286514Add to basket -
Nyasaland SG127/9 1937 Coronation Set Fine used Cat 6.25 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M289685Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG22 8d Rose-lake DEEP SHADE on Opaque paper part gum
Sale! Original price was: £199.00.£183.08Current price is: £183.08.
M259665Add to basket -
Burma stationery
Sale! Original price was: £5.75.£5.29Current price is: £5.29.
M264944Add to basket -
New Zealand SG733 1/6 Plate 1A 1A Block U/M
Sale! Original price was: £13.50.£12.42Current price is: £12.42.
M279076Add to basket -
Aden Cover with Little Aden postmark
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M283397Add to basket -
Rhodesia SG134 3d (listed as cheapest shade) Fresh Colour M/M Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M286527Add to basket -
Nyasaland SG161/2 1948 Silver Wedding (10/- pmk not guaranteed)
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M289686Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG76 24c Well Centered M/M Cat 32 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M259682Add to basket -
Burma stationery
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M264952Add to basket -
New Zealand SG733 1/6 R 4/4 Flaw on Nose in a U/M Block
Sale! Original price was: £8.50.£7.82Current price is: £7.82.
M279085Add to basket -
Aden 1941 Redirected Censored cover
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M283409Add to basket -
Rhodesia SG148 8d (listed as cheapest shade) Perf 14 Fresh Colour M/M Cat 180
Sale! Original price was: £69.50.£63.94Current price is: £63.94.
M286538Add to basket -
Papua SG163/8 1939 Air Set of 6 Fine used Cat 85 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £42.50.£39.10Current price is: £39.10.
M289706Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG126 12c MAJOR Re-entry (listed by Unitrade) Fine M/M
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M259705Add to basket -
Jaipur Stationery Card
Sale! Original price was: £11.95.£10.99Current price is: £10.99.
M264963Add to basket -
New Zealand SG733b R 5/3 and R 6/3 With Flaws and a Block retouched
Sale! Original price was: £33.50.£30.82Current price is: £30.82.
M279093Add to basket -
Aden 1937 cover from Aden Camp
Sale! Original price was: £8.00.£7.36Current price is: £7.36.
M283422Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG201 One Dollar Fresh Colours M/M Cat 23 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M286560Add to basket -
St Lucia SG146/59 Set of 14 plus extras Fine used Cat 65+ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £32.50.£29.90Current price is: £29.90.
M289788Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG222a 1c Slate Imperf Pair U/M (MNH) Cat 48++ Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £23.50.£21.62Current price is: £21.62.
M259727Add to basket -
Victory Cover
Sale! Original price was: £4.99.£4.59Current price is: £4.59.
M264982Add to basket -
New Zealand SG736 10/- Deep Ultramarine Re-entry M/M
Sale! Original price was: £42.50.£39.10Current price is: £39.10.
M279102Add to basket -
Aden 1962 Paquebot CDS cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £9.00.£8.28Current price is: £8.28.
M283436Add to basket -
Rhodesia SG66 1/2d Type 9 Cat 10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.00.£2.76Current price is: £2.76.
M286579Add to basket -
Sarawak SG165/66 Silver Wedding Fine used Cat 65.30 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £32.50.£29.90Current price is: £29.90.
M289755Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG32 10c Medium White Paper Mint (no gum) Inscriptional Cat 900++
Sale! Original price was: £265.00.£243.80Current price is: £243.80.
M259768Add to basket -
South West Africa Victory Cover
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M265012Add to basket -
New Zealand SG748b 3d Vermilion White paper 2 Panes Upright and Inverted
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M279113Add to basket -
Aden QEII 50c Aerogramme mint
Sale! Original price was: £3.95.£3.63Current price is: £3.63.
M283450Add to basket -
Rhodesia SG8 5/- Orange-yellow Fresh Colours Cat 65 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £19.95.£18.35Current price is: £18.35.
M286587Add to basket -
St Vincent SG162/3 Silver Wedding Fine used Cat 45.10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £22.50.£20.70Current price is: £20.70.
M289810Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG30 24c Blue M/M (Hinge remainders) Cat 50 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.95.£11.91Current price is: £11.91.
M259785Add to basket -
Australia 5/- Navigator FDC Cover
Sale! Original price was: £10.00.£9.20Current price is: £9.20.
M265021Add to basket -
Mauritius SG226b 4c Sage-green and Carmine Die 1 CDS Plate Block Cat 240+++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M279148Add to basket -
Aden KGVI 1a envelope Mint (opened at base)
Sale! Original price was: £7.00.£6.44Current price is: £6.44.
M283464Add to basket -
South Africa SG36 1/- Brown and Deep Blue Perf 14 Fresh Colours M/M Cat 32 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M286602Add to basket -
Tangier SG248/50 Centenary Set of 3 Fine used Cat 21 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M289814Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG60 6c Crimson-lake Fine Used Cat 29 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £10.00.£9.20Current price is: £9.20.
M259801Add to basket -
Dominica 1951 Cover
Sale! Original price was: £4.99.£4.59Current price is: £4.59.
M265038Add to basket -
Mauritius SG276/90 1950 Set of 15 Fine used Cat 95 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £39.95.£36.75Current price is: £36.75.
M279168Add to basket -
Aden 1957 FPO 057 on airmail cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M283481Add to basket -
USA small selection of better items (30c Hinged Mint) Cat 1350+ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £95.00.£87.40Current price is: £87.40.
M286615Add to basket -
Pahang Japanese Occupation SGJ270/1 Set of 2 M/M
Sale! Original price was: £0.95.£0.87Current price is: £0.87.
M290071Add to basket -
Newfoundland SG44a 1c Dull Brown M/M Cat 60 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £21.00.£19.32Current price is: £19.32.
M259816Add to basket -
Falkland Is Dep Victory Set Cover
Sale! Original price was: £4.99.£4.59Current price is: £4.59.
M265050Add to basket -
Mauritius SGE6 15c Grey-Green Express Delivery Cat 9 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.00.£3.68Current price is: £3.68.
M279204Add to basket -
Aden 1965 post card to Switzerland
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M283501Add to basket -
Brunei SG45 50c Black/blue green Wmk Mult CA Fresh Colours M/M Cat 15 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M286634Add to basket -
India SGT31 4a green telegraph Left half Cat 25 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M290091Add to basket -
Tristan Da Cunha SG1/12 KGVI Set of 12 U/M Cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £59.50.£54.74Current price is: £54.74.
M259836Add to basket -
Falkland Is Victory Cover
Sale! Original price was: £4.99.£4.59Current price is: £4.59.
M265073Add to basket -
Aden US Stamp with Paquebot Aden CDS on cover to the USA via SS Exhibitor
Sale! Original price was: £9.00.£8.28Current price is: £8.28.
M283516Add to basket -
Canada SG205b 5c Deep Blue Fresh Colour M/M Cat 75 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £22.50.£20.70Current price is: £20.70.
M286807Add to basket -
SG176 5/- Rose on Blued Paper Fine Fresh Mint Cat 12500 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3,500.00.£3,220.00Current price is: £3,220.00.
M290205Add to basket -
St Vincent SG85 6d Violet Perf 14 Wmk CA M/M Fresh Colour Cat 180 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £62.50.£57.50Current price is: £57.50.
M259876Add to basket -
Cook Is 1937 Coronation Cover
Sale! Original price was: £6.75.£6.21Current price is: £6.21.
M265091Add to basket -
Aden 3a on 20c UPU on cover to Glasgow
Sale! Original price was: £6.00.£5.52Current price is: £5.52.
M283533Add to basket -
Canada Selection (small faults mainly tone spots) Fresh Colours M/M Cat 380+
Sale! Original price was: £35.00.£32.20Current price is: £32.20.
M286817Add to basket -
St Vincent SG74 1/- Green (faded) and carmine CDS used Cat 60 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M259901Add to basket -
Canada KEVII 1c Postal stationery
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M265103Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG17a 48c Rose-carmine Wmk CC Cat 42 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M279247Add to basket -
Aden 1930 Cover to Manchester England
Sale! Original price was: £8.00.£7.36Current price is: £7.36.
M283545Add to basket -
Sarawak SG61 One Dollar Bright rose and green Fresh Colours M/M Cat 50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M286836Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG256/9 1935 Silver Jubilee Set used Cat 21 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.25.£8.51Current price is: £8.51.
M259922Add to basket -
Canada KGVI 1c Postal stationery
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M265111Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG36 10c Dull Mauve Wmk CA used in Shanghai Cat 30 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.50.£11.50Current price is: £11.50.
M279264Add to basket -
Aden 1953 Forces Mail to Derby
Sale! Original price was: £9.00.£8.28Current price is: £8.28.
M283558Add to basket -
Nigeria SG49a 5d Lilac Perf 15 Fresh Colours M/M Cat 20 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M286855Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG44/6 1880 Surcharge set of 3 Cat 115 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £29.50.£27.14Current price is: £27.14.
M259937Add to basket -
Canada 2c Admiral Postal stationery
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M265124Add to basket -
1841 Penny Red (EE) Plate 5 Four Margin (just) Cat 180
Sale! Original price was: £32.00.£29.44Current price is: £29.44.
M279286Add to basket -
1943 Base Army Post Office Censor cover from Algeria
Sale! Original price was: £18.00.£16.56Current price is: £16.56.
M283573Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG119 KEVII One Dollar Wmk CA Cat 85 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £23.95.£22.03Current price is: £22.03.
M259957Add to basket -
Singapore 1966 Airmail Cover
Sale! Original price was: £6.00.£5.52Current price is: £5.52.
M265141Add to basket -
1840 2d Blue (PB) Plate 1 Very Fine Four Margins Cat 975 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £495.00.£455.40Current price is: £455.40.
M279297Add to basket -
Sierra Leone 1961 Registered Cover to england
Sale! Original price was: £14.00.£12.88Current price is: £12.88.
M283584Add to basket -
Canada SG120 8c Blackish purple Fresh Colour Cat 15 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M286889Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG212 5 Dollars White Back Cat 60 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £22.50.£20.70Current price is: £20.70.
M259980Add to basket -
Canada 1950 Tiny Envelope
Sale! Original price was: £3.00.£2.76Current price is: £2.76.
M265151Add to basket -
1841 Penny Red (OD) Plate 22 SUPERB Four margins Cat 60 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £24.00.£22.08Current price is: £22.08.
M279313Add to basket -
Cayman Is SG1/2a QV Complete including shades (SG Catalogue) M/M Cat 70 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £35.00.£32.20Current price is: £32.20.
M283599Add to basket
Showing 32501–32600 of 40596 resultsSorted by price: high to low