Showing 35201–35300 of 40819 results
SG438 One Pound PUC Tear bottom right
Sale! Original price was: £185.00.£170.20Current price is: £170.20.
M287966Add to basket -
SG515/531 QEII Tudor Set 17 values U/M
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M257139Add to basket -
Dollis Hill ST5(3)a 2d (light) No Wmk Top Row No Phosphor rest Green AOP RARE
Sale! Original price was: £795.00.£731.40Current price is: £731.40.
M262441Add to basket -
Natal SG84 1/- Green Opt POSTAGE Cat 8 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £2.75.£2.53Current price is: £2.53.
M276666Add to basket -
Bundi SG75a 1a Rose Inscription Type G Cliche C Fiscal Used
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M280935Add to basket -
South Africa Airmail Cover to Australia with a 1/- Post Due
Sale! Original price was: £14.00.£12.88Current price is: £12.88.
M284579Add to basket -
LCP10 KGV 1924 Wembley 1 1/2d Letter Card Mint
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M287975Add to basket -
SG634p-5p 1963 F.F.H. Phos U/M
Sale! Original price was: £9.50.£8.74Current price is: £8.74.
M257055Add to basket -
Dollis Hill ST5 2d (light) The left hand of the stamp is AOP the right hand is No Phosphor
Sale! Original price was: £77.50.£71.30Current price is: £71.30.
M262450Add to basket -
Natal SG84 1/- Green Opt POSTAGE Cat 8 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £2.75.£2.53Current price is: £2.53.
M276683Add to basket -
Bundi SG79 3p Bright Blue on cover Cat 14 x 10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £49.50.£45.54Current price is: £45.54.
M280955Add to basket -
Aden GB 6d Coronation Airmail with Aden Paquebot pmk
Sale! Original price was: £7.95.£7.31Current price is: £7.31.
M284602Add to basket -
SG476/478c KGVI High Values Set 6 values M/M
Sale! Original price was: £110.00.£101.20Current price is: £101.20.
M287985Add to basket -
SG68 6d lilac SUPERB USED Cat 120++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £39.95.£36.75Current price is: £36.75.
M256918Add to basket -
Dollis Hill 2d (light) Green AOP Clear impression (K1a Holt)
Sale! Original price was: £85.00.£78.20Current price is: £78.20.
M262459Add to basket -
Natal SG142 One Pound Black and Bright Blue Fiscally used
Sale! Original price was: £19.95.£18.35Current price is: £18.35.
M276703Add to basket -
India Telegraph SG T40 1882 25r reddish lilac horizontal pair Cat 450 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M281071Add to basket -
Ghana 1957 Giffard Camp Postmark on a Postcard to England
Sale! Original price was: £7.00.£6.44Current price is: £6.44.
M284617Add to basket -
KGVI 1940 Thomas Todd (publisher of Stamp Magazine) 2d Orange WAR TAX ESSAY
Sale! Original price was: £150.00.£138.00Current price is: £138.00.
M287993Add to basket -
SG97 6d lilac plate 5 wmk emblems Cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £17.95.£16.51Current price is: £16.51.
M256935Add to basket -
Dollis Hill 2d (light) printed on very thin paper
Sale! Original price was: £79.95.£73.55Current price is: £73.55.
M262469Add to basket -
Natal SG143 One pound and 10/- Green and Violet Fiscal Cancel
Sale! Original price was: £14.95.£13.75Current price is: £13.75.
M276711Add to basket -
Perak SG119/21 1938 Top Values Fine U/M Cat 850 Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £425.00.£391.00Current price is: £391.00.
M281086Add to basket -
Trinidad and Tobago 1944 Registered cover to the USA
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M284626Add to basket -
KGVI 1/2d Light Green Opt Double V for Victory M/M
Sale! Original price was: £150.00.£138.00Current price is: £138.00.
M288002Add to basket -
Canada Unitrade F1b Rose carmine 2c Registered Stamp SUPERB M/M (HM)
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M257229Add to basket -
Bechuanaland SG64 4d Jubilee opt 2 x U/M
Sale! Original price was: £47.50.£43.70Current price is: £43.70.
M262480Add to basket -
Natal SG82 1d Yellow Wmk CC Opt POSTAGE M/M (Hinge remainder) Cat 120 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.95.£11.91Current price is: £11.91.
M276728Add to basket -
Morocco Agencies SG129/33 and SG135 opt SPECIMEN A RARE set U/M
Sale! Original price was: £295.00.£271.40Current price is: £271.40.
M281094Add to basket -
India KGV cover to London
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M284640Add to basket -
SGD3 1 1/2d Chestnut Post Due Wmk S/Cypher used Cat 20 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.00.£8.28Current price is: £8.28.
M288011Add to basket -
Canada Unitrade E1ii 10c Blue Green U/M (MNH) no shading in value tablet
Sale! Original price was: £165.00.£151.80Current price is: £151.80.
M257241Add to basket -
Gwalior SG112 KGVI 1r U/M Cat 13 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.25.£4.83Current price is: £4.83.
M262505Add to basket -
Natal SG59 1/- Green Opt Postage in Green Mint Cat 175 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £55.00.£50.60Current price is: £50.60.
M276752Add to basket -
Bundi SGO16bA 1/2a Black Inscription Type C Native Green Opt S/ways Cat 28++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £19.95.£18.35Current price is: £18.35.
M281000Add to basket -
India 4a and 6a Air Stamps on cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M284654Add to basket -
SG218 KEVII 1/2d Yellowish green DLR U/M Block of FOUR
Sale! Original price was: £8.95.£8.23Current price is: £8.23.
M288040Add to basket -
Canada Unitrade E3 20c Orange Block 2 x U/M (MNH)
Sale! Original price was: £110.00.£101.20Current price is: £101.20.
M257249Add to basket -
Australia SG327 5/- red-brown U/M Cat 16 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M262519Add to basket -
Natal SG25 1/- Green M/M (trimmed perfs) Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M276764Add to basket -
Foreign Bill BF116 Two Pound lilac wmk VR Script Opt SPECIMEN (no gum)
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M281132Add to basket -
OHMS cover to North Wales with War Economy Label
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M284665Add to basket -
British Guiana SG217 2c Brown and Indigo M/M Cat 38 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M288060Add to basket -
Canada Unitrade E6 20c M/M (HM)
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M257258Add to basket -
Australia SG262ab 3d Coil Block of Four U/M Cat 18 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M262528Add to basket -
Natal SG60 1d Bright Red Opt Postage Mint paper adheared to back Cat 140 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.50.£14.26Current price is: £14.26.
M276773Add to basket -
Foreign Bill BF40 4/- Red Values Perf 16 Wmk VR Surfaced Blued Paper
Sale! Original price was: £3.00.£2.76Current price is: £2.76.
M281121Add to basket -
1917 Much re-directed cover from Lucknow
Sale! Original price was: £14.00.£12.88Current price is: £12.88.
M284694Add to basket -
NSW Selection with Pre-printing Paper Folds very unusual group
Sale! Original price was: £175.00.£161.00Current price is: £161.00.
M288077Add to basket -
Australia SG272a 3 1/d re-entry (tone spot) Cat 22 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M262541Add to basket -
Natal SG62 6d Mauve Opt Postage (Cleand fiscal cancel)
Sale! Original price was: £6.50.£5.98Current price is: £5.98.
M276788Add to basket -
GB County Fire Office Issurance Document with 1d Embossed stamp
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M281048Add to basket -
1967 cover from HMS Fearless BFPO Ships
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284680Add to basket -
NSW 1/- Spiro forgery with the Genuine Stamp
Sale! Original price was: £45.00.£41.40Current price is: £41.40.
M288082Add to basket -
Dollis Hill 2d Green AOP Strip with repaired paper removed
Sale! Original price was: £325.00.£299.00Current price is: £299.00.
M257292Add to basket -
Australia SG282b 7 1/2d Block of 10 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M262554Add to basket -
Natal SG15 1d Rose-red Wmk Star Mint Cat 200 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £9.95.£9.15Current price is: £9.15.
M276806Add to basket -
India Calcutta Insurance Ltd with values to 12a
Sale! Original price was: £17.50.£16.10Current price is: £16.10.
M281037Add to basket -
Burma 1928 prestamp envelope from Oktwin
Sale! Original price was: £5.00.£4.60Current price is: £4.60.
M284737Add to basket -
Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam SG90a 1/4a red laid paper Sheet of 16
Sale! Original price was: £12.00.£11.04Current price is: £11.04.
M288090Add to basket -
Dollis Hill Black Dummy Stamp with two 8mm Violet Phosphor Bands (2 covers)
Sale! Original price was: £600.00.£552.00Current price is: £552.00.
M257306Add to basket -
Australia BW333f 7 1/2d weak entry at top left in a U/M Strip
Sale! Original price was: £11.50.£10.58Current price is: £10.58.
M262563Add to basket -
Natal SG12 3d blue No Wmk Rough Perfs PAIR Cat 100 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £23.00.£21.16Current price is: £21.16.
M276841Add to basket -
KUT SG 152 10c on 3d CDS Block Cat 16++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £8.00.£7.36Current price is: £7.36.
M281011Add to basket -
Hong Kong 1973 Hong Kong Registered Cover to England
Sale! Original price was: £4.00.£3.68Current price is: £3.68.
M284770Add to basket -
Bermuda SG31 1/2d Black and Green Fresh Colour M/M Cat 14 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.25.£3.91Current price is: £3.91.
M288249Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG138 Five Dollars Mult Crown Chalky paper Cat 200 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £79.50.£73.14Current price is: £73.14.
M257346Add to basket -
Australia SG301a 2/- Re-entry M/M Cat 55 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £15.00.£13.80Current price is: £13.80.
M262573Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG256/9 1935 Silver Jubilee Set Cat 21 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £7.50.£6.90Current price is: £6.90.
M276852Add to basket -
Tasmania 1966 Parcel Stamp Transport Department (Capital letters)1935 Act 2c U/M
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M281003Add to basket -
India 9p Soldiers and Seamens Envelope Mint
Sale! Original price was: £3.00.£2.76Current price is: £2.76.
M284733Add to basket -
Brunei SG29 10c Grey-black and Deep Green CDS used Cat 7.50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £2.50.£2.30Current price is: £2.30.
M288103Add to basket -
Rhodesia SG138 4d Greenish Black and orange (some light toning) Cat 130 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £32.50.£29.90Current price is: £29.90.
M257418Add to basket -
Australia BW268fb 2/6 line through T 2nd Re-touch U/M cat NZ Dollars 150
Sale! Original price was: £24.50.£22.54Current price is: £22.54.
M262588Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG279 KGVI 2c Green Die 1 M/M Cat 22 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M276888Add to basket -
India Telegraphs SGT52 2r on 2r8a surch at Calcutta Cat 10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £5.00.£4.60Current price is: £4.60.
M281150Add to basket -
Malta 1903 Postcard to London
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M284698Add to basket -
Canada SG106 5c Brownish Grey M/M Cat 150 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £22.00.£20.24Current price is: £20.24.
M288191Add to basket -
Southern Rhodesia SG6 4d black and orange-red PAIR (some re-enforced perfs)
Sale! Original price was: £3.25.£2.99Current price is: £2.99.
M257461Add to basket -
Australia Mixture of die 1 and 2 (4th row die 2) U/M
Sale! Original price was: £65.00.£59.80Current price is: £59.80.
M262602Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG284 KGVI 10c Dull Purple M/M Cat 16 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £3.75.£3.45Current price is: £3.45.
M276899Add to basket -
India Telegraphs SGT4/20 Set including different Dies and shades Cat 200 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £99.50.£91.54Current price is: £91.54.
M281146Add to basket -
Southern Rhodesia 1949 UPU First Day Cover
Sale! Original price was: £7.00.£6.44Current price is: £6.44.
M284784Add to basket -
Canada SG107 6c Deep Chestnut Cat 22 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.00.£3.68Current price is: £3.68.
M288178Add to basket -
Australia SGD83ba 1912 Postage Due wmk SIDEWAYS U/M RARE Cat 1000 as mounted
Sale! Original price was: £550.00.£506.00Current price is: £506.00.
M257498Add to basket -
Australia SG354ca 5d Coil Join Strip of 4 Cat 38++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £16.00.£14.72Current price is: £14.72.
M262629Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG291 Two Dollars Green and Scarlet Cat 17 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M276910Add to basket -
India Telegraphs SGT55 2r Yellow Cat 16 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £6.00.£5.52Current price is: £5.52.
M281177Add to basket -
South Africa SG114c 1947 1/2d (All Screened) Cylinder Block Charcoal Printing U/M
Sale! Original price was: £5.95.£5.47Current price is: £5.47.
M284792Add to basket -
Canada SG111 10c Brownish Red Cat 42 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £8.00.£7.36Current price is: £7.36.
M288157Add to basket -
South Auatralia SG66 1868-79 3d on 4d Prussian blue perf 11.5-12.5 SUPERB USED
Sale! Original price was: £500.00.£460.00Current price is: £460.00.
M257502Add to basket -
Australia BW416e 1/6 Bird Retouch over AU U/M
Sale! Original price was: £10.00.£9.20Current price is: £9.20.
M262653Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG293/8 Die 2 set of 6 Fine used Cat 36.10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £14.50.£13.34Current price is: £13.34.
M276918Add to basket -
India Telegraphs 1r and 8a on Telegraph receipt
Sale! Original price was: £24.00.£22.08Current price is: £22.08.
M281188Add to basket -
South Africa SG115 1950 1d Variety Joined Yard arms U/M
Sale! Original price was: £6.95.£6.39Current price is: £6.39.
M284805Add to basket -
Canada Small Queen 6d fine used
Sale! Original price was: £4.50.£4.14Current price is: £4.14.
M288184Add to basket -
Australia BW5423da 5d Re-entry retouched Type 1 cat NZ Dollars 125
Sale! Original price was: £24.50.£22.54Current price is: £22.54.
M262664Add to basket -
Straits Settlements SG293/8 Die 2 set of 6 Fine used Cat 36.10 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £14.50.£13.34Current price is: £13.34.
M276927Add to basket -
Ceylon BF73 25 Cents on 1c Brown Stamp Duty
Sale! Original price was: £2.00.£1.84Current price is: £1.84.
M281211Add to basket -
South Africa SG116 1950 2d Slate-blue and purple Pair U/M Cat 11 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £4.95.£4.55Current price is: £4.55.
M284818Add to basket
Showing 35201–35300 of 40819 results