Showing 601–700 of 39282 resultsSorted by price: high to low
SB85a 2 1/2d Graphite Booklet Pane of 6 Wmk Crowns INVERTED U/M
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M42560Add to basket -
SB85a 2 1/2d Graphite Booklet Pane of 6 Wmk Crowns INVERTED U/M
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M42554Add to basket -
SB85a 2 1/2d Graphite Booklet Pane of 6 Wmk Crowns INVERTED U/M
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M42545Add to basket -
SG589 1 1/2d Wilding 2nd Graphite Wmk Upright Pane U/M
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M43722Add to basket -
H46p 5/- Booklet Sept 1960 The 2 1/2d BROAD band at right and tiny band at left
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M45066Add to basket -
Circular Delivery SGCD32 London 1/2d greenish grey mint block
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M8367Add to basket -
SG743Eva 1/6 with Greenish blue omitted U/M Block of Four
Sale! Original price was: £129.50.£119.14Current price is: £119.14.
M40525Add to basket -
RP57 KGVI 5 1/2d Registered Envelope Size H Serif IMPRINT EMERSON MAKE Mint
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M81394Add to basket -
Bechuanaland SG87 5/- Bright-carmine DLR printing M/M Cat 300 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £150.00.£135.00Current price is: £135.00.
M274549Add to basket -
New Zealand SG703/7 Centennial Set of 5 Imperf Proofs on thick Card
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M251265Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG156ca 1 dollar yellow-orange and green Variety SHORT R Cat 275 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M250795Add to basket -
Ascension SG40a 1 1/2d Black and Vermilion Perf 13.5 DAVIT FLAW Cat 400 M/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M250291Add to basket -
Ascension SG40a 1 1/2d Black and Vermilion Perf 13.5 DAVIT FLAW Cat 400 M/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M250290Add to basket -
Falkland Dep SGG5c 4d Variety South Poke M/M Cat 325 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M250050Add to basket -
New Zealand SGO124a 2 1/2d OFFICIAL Line Perf 14 Block of 25 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M246493Add to basket -
New Zealand SGO124a 2 1/2d OFFICIAL Line Perf 14 Block of 24 with plate scratch
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M246492Add to basket -
Bahamas SG31w 6d Deep Violet Wmk CC INVERTED Perf 12.5 M/M Cat 650 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M246001Add to basket -
Bahamas SG36w 4d Dull Rose Wmk Crown CC INVERTED Perf 14 Not Priced in Cat
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M245880Add to basket -
British Guiana Missionary entire from New Amsterdam Berbice April 1851 backstamp
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M243539Add to basket -
Bermuda SG89d 2/6 Block Fiscal Cancel Top Left Stamp with Breck though Scroll
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M239691Add to basket -
North Borneo SGD84 16c Perf 12.5 Fresh Block (2 x U/M) Cat 260++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M234290Add to basket -
St Helena SG97b 1/2d Grey and Black Variety Torn Flag M/M Cat 288.50 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £145.00.£133.40Current price is: £133.40.
M226317Add to basket -
St Vincent SG21 1/- Claret Perf 11-12.5 x 15 Wmk Star S/ways Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M224876Add to basket -
St Vincent SG21 1/- Claret Perf 11-12.5 x 15 Wmk Star S/ways Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M224874Add to basket -
St Vincent SG20 1/- Lilac-rose Perf 11 to 12.5 x 15 Wmk Star S/ways Cat 350
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M224868Add to basket -
St Vincent SG11 1/- Slate-Grey No Wmk Perf 11 to 12.5 x 14 to 16 M/M Cat 275
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M224781Add to basket -
Malta SG45/63 KEVII Set of 17 wmk Mult Crown CA Fresh Colours M/M Cat 300 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M224661Add to basket -
India 12a on 2R Foreign Bill BF27 M/M (toning) MINT STRIP RARE
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M222756Add to basket -
Gambia 1935 Silver Jubilee SG144b 3d Short Extra Flagstaff M/M
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M218767Add to basket -
SEYCHELLES SG128/a 1935 Silver Jubilee 6c Variety Extra flagstaff
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M209960Add to basket -
Seychelles SG131a 1935 Silver Jubilee Variety Extra Flagstaff M/Mint
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M203666Add to basket -
St Vincent SG47/53 Set of 6 wmk crown CA Fine used
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M195834Add to basket -
SG589 1 1/2d Wilding 2nd Graphite Wmk Upright Pane U/M
Sale! Original price was: £125.00.£115.00Current price is: £115.00.
M43718Add to basket -
M13g 3/- Crowns Graphite Booklet 1 1/2d INVERTED 3 good perfs
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M44399Add to basket -
Rhodesia SG311 One Pound BLOCK of FOUR Fiscally Used Cat 3600 pounds (as postal)
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M251176Add to basket -
Malta SG247a 5/- Variety NT joined M/M Cat 400 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M251087Add to basket -
Seychelles SG21a 90 on 96 wide O M/M (toned) Cat 400 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M251035Add to basket -
Seychelles SG49a 12c Wmk Crown CA Dented Frame Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M251019Add to basket -
Seychelles SG140ab 20c Chalky Handkerchief Flaw M/M Tone Spots Cat 600 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M250997Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG212 10c Red Cross Massive Perf Shift (part gum)
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M250886Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG178/91 Set of 14 U/M Cat 250 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M250880Add to basket -
SG44 Plate 119 Un-mounted Mint Block Cat 260+++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £112.00.£103.04Current price is: £103.04.
M250328Add to basket -
Bermuda SG121c One Pound SUPERB Block (2 x U/M) Cat 240++ Pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M249235Add to basket -
Ceylon SG243b 3c on 28c Stale Rose Surcharge DOUBLED (toned gum) Cat 340+ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M248372Add to basket -
New Zealand SG588 1/- Deep Green on Coarse Paper Perf 14 x 13.5 Final issue
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M247002Add to basket -
New Zealand SG583c 4d Multiple Wmk Line Perf 14 Block of Four 2 x U/M Cat 260++
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M246485Add to basket -
Bahamas SG31 6d deep violet vertical PAIR Wmk CC Perf 12.5 M/M Cat 320 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M245996Add to basket -
Bahamas SG27 4d dull rose (dark shade) Wmk CC Perf 12.5 M/M Cat 400 pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M245991Add to basket -
Australia SGO123/4 Kingsford Smith Set Opt OS M/M (toned)
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M241073Add to basket -
Australia SG394 40c Navigator Great Misperf U/M
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M240639Add to basket -
Ceylon Telegraph SGT148 5r on 25r STRIP of THREE from the BOTTOM HALF
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M237543Add to basket -
Southern Rhodesia SG44 1937 KGVI 6d printers sample u/m
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M233133Add to basket -
India SG55 HALF ANNA In pale blue Imperf PROOF on thin paper
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M228232Add to basket -
India SGSB11 2r Booklet NO STAMPS Cat 1400 with Stamps
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M227575Add to basket -
India SGSB11 2r Booklet NO STAMPS Cat 1400 with Stamps
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M227574Add to basket -
Nyasaland SG29s ONE POUND Black and Yellow Opt SPECIMEN M/M FRESH COLOURS
Sale! Original price was: £140.00.£128.80Current price is: £128.80.
M227217Add to basket -
Bhopal SGO313c 1932 1/4a Orange Perf 14 Misplaced Surcharge (no gum) (t)
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M226455Add to basket -
Kishangarh 1904 SG48 Plate Proof in Dark Blue IMPERF Block (no gum) a
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M226360Add to basket -
Bhopal SGO313c 1932 1/4a Orange Perf 13.5 Opt SERVICE at TOP no gum Block of 15 (5)
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M226332Add to basket -
Bhopal SGO313c 1932 1/4a Orange Perf 13.5 Opt SERVICE at TOP no gum Block of 15 (4)
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M226329Add to basket -
Ceylon SG37 2/- Dull Blue Mint (large part gum) Wmk Star Rough Perf Cat 750
Sale! Original price was: £112.00.£103.04Current price is: £103.04.
M225940Add to basket -
Ceylon 1935 Silver Jubilee SG381f 20c Diagonal line by turret in a BLOCK
Sale! Original price was: £115.00.£105.80Current price is: £105.80.
M218755Add to basket -
Hong Kong SG109 1919 25c Purple and Magenta Type B M/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M210730Add to basket -
1937 France International Philatelic Exhibition miniature sheet of 4 (SG MS581)
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M205068Add to basket -
1841 Penny Red (HH and SF) with a 447 (Leeds) cancel in BLUE Cat 750++++ pounds
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M198099Add to basket -
Gold Coast SG114a 1935 Silver Jubilee 3d with Extra Flagstaff Fine Used
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M191823Add to basket -
Virgin Islands SG105l 1935 Silver Jubilee 2 1/2d with Kite and Horizontal Log Used
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M192426Add to basket -
Virgin Islands SG103l 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d with Kite and Horizontal Log Used
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M192424Add to basket -
Bermuda 1935 Silver Jubilee 1 1/2d Variety Bird by Turret SG95m
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M191673Add to basket -
4d Ultramarine Spec S83 Coil Strip 59
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M63798Add to basket -
4d Ultramarine Spec S83 Coil Strip 59 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M63805Add to basket -
4d Ultramarine Spec S83 Coil Strip 59 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M63800Add to basket -
4d Ultramarine Spec S83 Coil Strip 59 U/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M63786Add to basket -
SG589 1 1/2d Wilding 2nd Graphite Wmk Upright Pane U/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M43793Add to basket -
SG589 1 1/2d Wilding 2nd Graphite Wmk Upright Pane U/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M43720Add to basket -
SG589 1 1/2d Wilding 2nd Graphite Wmk Upright Pane U/M
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M43717Add to basket -
M13g Aug 1959 3/- Graphite Booklet 1 1/2d INVERTED 3 good perfs
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M46450Add to basket -
M13g Aug 1959 3/- Graphite Booklet 1 1/2d INVERTED 3 good perfs
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M46461Add to basket -
H46g 5/- Graphite Booklet 2 1/2d Pane INVERTED 3 Good Perfs
Sale! Original price was: £120.00.£110.40Current price is: £110.40.
M46922Add to basket
Showing 601–700 of 39282 resultsSorted by price: high to low